Saturday, April 26, 2008

3 Easy Fundraising Management Tips

1. Spread the Good Word: Build momentum in a fledgling individual solitication program by keeping solicitors informed of each other's successes. A quick "Congratulations to Mary Smith for her successful solicitation of Daddy Warbucks!" via email will celebrate successes and motivate others.

2. Pick up The Phone: Thank donors above a certain level with a personal phone call. Use the call as an opportunity to learn who they are, why they support your organization, and if they would be interested in meeting with you to learn more abour your organization's work. Your donors will appreciate the personal attention.

3. A Captive Audience: Use each board meeting and development committee meeting to educate board members on ways to make a gift ot your agency. Taking a few minutes to take about how to make a gift with stocks, gifts-in-kind, planned gifts, and cash remind your board members that these giving vehicles are available.

Got a tip of your own? Email me.

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